I've been in debates about this since I first heard about it a couple days ago. I just popped over here to briefly express my own opinion, because everyone I can usually talk to about this right now either doesn't want to or doesn't have the time to hear it. So, here I go.

At first, I was utterly horrified. I spent at least a full day stewing about it. What does this mean for my beloved Expanded Universe? (They'd better not discount it all, what with how much time/money/interest I've put into following the stories. grumble ) How the hell can they even make a seventh movie that takes place *after* ROTJ (let alone movies eight and nine)?! What sort of chaos and destruction will they bring to the characters and storylines established? And just, how? How, how, HOW?!?!

But, after that, I looked at it from a couple of different perspectives.

Number one-- GL is retiring. And from a business stand point, it makes sense that he wouldn't want his baby (Lucasfilm, not SW) to just go by the wayside. I'm not just talking about the money, either (though I'm sure it wasn't half bad). I respect the idea that he wants to keep his company alive.

Number two-- It will introduce SW to an entire new generation. Even if it becomes so horribly awful that it turns into one long running joke, while I would heartily resent that, look at what the kids are watching today. grumble )

Number four-- Let's face it, Disney already owns the world-- at the very least has their fingers in many pies. They own Marvel, Pixar, ABC television network, ESPN, Touchstone, Miramax (formerly owned), a large piece of Hulu and numerous other businesses you would never even think of. I would have been more concerned about this prior to the Disney/Marvel deal, but since that has so far worked out well, I am optimistic that they will handle this well. Not to mention that Disney already had struck a small deal with Lucas in Star Tours/Indiana Jones rights. And those were largely successful. (I can't help but wonder if the remodel of the Star Tours ride played a part in leading up to this deal.) Also, you've got to consider that the people at Disney are not kids who only want to draw cartoons all day, but are actually super-nerds who are most likely some of Star Wars' biggest fans. They should have some respect for it at least (unlike Cartoon Network).

So yeah. Lots to consider. laugh Pheww. I'm glad that's off my chest. /end rant/

(Disclaimer: I'd like to just state also that, you guys may not be aware of this, but my obsessive-compulsive tendencies run far deeper than you may know. It's not just Superman/Lois and Clark/other miscellaneous superheros that I'm obsessed with. Star Wars and Disney are largely my life. (Okay, let's face it, my OCD manifests itself in many, *many* ways.) And come on, I kind of have to defend Disney. It's my field, and Mickey Mouse rocks. :p BTW, I actually liked the Vader-Disneyland clip. It made me laugh, and simultaneously long to go back to Disneyland (again). And it's really no different than any of Disney's other advertisements. )

Okay. Now I'm ending the rant.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain