Did an experiment in sociology today, and was wondering what other people thought on the matter.

A guy walks up to you carrying a sign that says "Free Hugs" on it. Do you hug him? Do you not? Do you ridicule him after you walk away? If you didn't accept the hug, then why? If you did, think about your first impressions of the hugger, your own motivation, and race and gender. If it were a female who approached you, would you be more or less likely to hug her?

The results from today were fairly surprising. Walking around for three hours during the heat of the day in Old Sac might not be the idealest of circumstances (and I think I got heat stroke from it), but we had people from all different backgrounds and blocks of life surrounding us and it was an interesting and successful experiment.

Just curious to know whether the results are near universal or if it's just a California thing. cool

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain