Thank you all. You've nearly brought me to tears. (Good tears.)

I am guessing that the next two weeks probably won't be so bad at work, so I hope to be able to be at least semi-active on the list a little longer.

I also hope that my muse is kind to me. If she is, I would gladly try to sneak in a super-short or two, even if it means giving up some sleep to do so. Thanks again to all who have been so supportive of my writing. I grimace when I read my earlier endeavors; those who provided feedback were very generous with positive comments. And were it not for those encouragements, I certainly would not have continued to write as much as I have.

Mouserocks, I hope your schedule eases up a bit soon.

Virginia, I rather doubt my students think themselves lucky. I'm one of those teachers whose philosophy is that you have to earn a passing grade. My students work hard and learn a lot. I think they may be grateful once they graduate and realize the value of what they were taught, but I think that while they are in school a lot of them would trade me for an "easy A" teacher in a heartbeat.

Sue, how about "au revoir" then? And thank you for your kind words; you always know just what to say.

My thanks again to all of you for making me feel so welcome. I definitely plan to continue dropping in whenever my schedule permits.

Peace and joy to all of you,