As many of you know, I teach at a local community college. My school year begins on Tuesday, and it looks likely that the coming semester will be extremely hectic. I doubt I'll have time even to do much lurking once the semester really gets underway. (The students don't start attending for a couple of weeks, so I hope to ease into the busy schedule gradually.)

Unless I get a very pleasant surprise in terms of my workload, I probably won't be posting much for the rest of this calendar year, and possibly even this school year. I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you all know the reason for my upcoming silence, and to thank you all for welcoming me into such a warm community.

I hope I'll be able to drop by more than I currently think I will, and I look forward to the time when my schedule eases up enough that I'll have some leisure time and be able to be a regular here once again.

Thanks for the fun conversations and for all of the support you have given to this esrtwhile-newbie fanfic author.
