Over in the fdk thread for Lynn's Twilight Zone X, a small dicussion had begun about the show itself.

I didn't want to hijack your fdk thread any further, Lynn, but have to add in my thoughts on TZ. Many of its stories - like To Serve Man - have become touchstones of the group psyche, much like Star Trek and Star Wars references have done.

Many shows have tried to emulate it over the years, but it's never really been beaten IMO for its thought-provoking plots and twists in the tale.

One of my own, personal favourites was Eye of the Beholder:

Janet Tyler is in hospital having undergone treatment to make her look normal. It's her 11th trip to the hospital for treatment and she is desperate to look like everyone else. Some of her earliest childhood memories are of people looking away, horrified by her appearance. Her bandages will soon come off and she can only hope that this, her last treatment, will have done the trick. If not, her doctor has told she will be segregated with a colony of similar looking people.
At the end of the show as the bandages are removed, the hospital staff gasp in horror, the young woman looks into a mirror and reacts similiarly. We see a beautiful young woman. Then the camera pans back and we see the hospital staff for the first time...all with pig-like faces.

I'd definitely add to Lynn's recommendation, Michael.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers