It's only saving grace is it introduces the character of Boba Fett in a cartoon sequence
I didn't even get that far. It hurt too much. Maybe someday I will finish it.

Lucas had nothing to do with it. It was Fox trying to cash in on the little movie that wasn't supposed to be that successful.
So who actually wrote it? I get the whole 'being pressured by Fox' thing but the story is really really really bad. Surely, GL could have come up with something better than THAT. Or maybe he was just trying to stick it to Fox for making him do something... razz (which I could totally see him doing, he's kind of always done his own thing). Either way, unless the story came from one of the Fox producers or something of that sort I still have to agree with my statement... What was GL THINKING?!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw