Dear All,

Many of us watched in and out of the proceedings.

However, my wife and I wanted to see the ceremony.

One grouse: There was too much coverage of a certain footballer and his showbis wife with a bump! there were limited pictures of the rest of the royal family and loads of them! mad

Otherwise it was a beautiful ceremony, lovely music and a complete contrast to that wedding in July 1981 and the bride did not look like she had slept in her dress - where as her late mother-in-law did...

The pomp and ceremony was just right and thankfully the rain held off so all could see the happy couple. dance

The celebrations were just about right and it did become the private marriage celebration the couple wanted in the Abbey. smile

All we in London ask is that the Duke and Duchess now have the privacy that they deserve to start married life without being pestered by the paperazzi.

