possibly post that you couldn't find it on amazon,
I see. Well, I hadn't actually posted that I couldn't find it on Amazon - but that Amazon had it but had temporarily suspended sales due to a customer complaint that there was an issue with it. But, beyond that, that you could come to the conclusion that you did from my post baffles me because:

1. As I prevously noted, I wouldn't have been expecting you to buy your copy from Amazon UK as you don't live in the UK. So it was likely you had bought it in the US.

2. Even if I had - and even if YOU had - Amazon had clearly already sent copies of the books out to several customers BEFORE posting their suspension of sales notice - otherwise how could a customer have told them they had dispatched the wrong copy to her? So copies had been bought from them at some point. So you could have bought your copy from Amazon UK before the suspension.

3. As you yourself noted, Amazon isn't the only bookseller in the world, and it is possible to buy a book from a source other than them. So you could have bought your copy from a complete different seller than Amazon entirely.

So, given the facts above and that all of these options were available to you when buying your book, it would have had to have been the most bizarre, Twilight Zone leap of illogic on my part to have seen Amazon's suspension notice and immediately taken it to mean, "Hang on a minute. Amazon UK isn't selling this book, so how could TJ have bought a copy? That must mean she's lying because it's just not possible she could have bought it anywhere else!" dizzy

It would have hung on my believing that the only possible source of this book is Amazon UK. A bizarre notion. Which is why I was so taken aback that you could have leap to the conclusion you did off the back of my post.

And I do think, all things considered, that even when you did, you might have given me the benefit of the doubt and considered that you were reading my post wrongly as a first response, rather than a last one.

But, anyway...I was temporarly baffled by the sheer illogic of it. As you say, it's not the end of the world. No animals were harmed in the course of this misunderstanding. wink Let's just chalk it up to one of those occupational hazards of messageboards.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers