Hey Anna! I feel like that every time I post here--I'm kinda still part of things, but not, at the same time. Mostly because I was one of the people who got the whole epub conversion project going (did you know we now have L&C fics in epub format, ready for an e-reader?), and I'm still converting fics when I have time (now that I have a new comp should be back on it). Otherwise I don't really have a major part in this community any more, but so many good friends here!

(I even ran into someone on the Yuletide IRC channel the other day who used to hang out on #loisclark years ago, though I don't recognize the name.)

Every time I meet someone from another fandom, I want to say, "Oh, you have to check out L&C! It's a special place!" But I wouldn't know how to say it so they'd understand . . . I have connections through this fandom that STILL make up the foremost part of my friends list on LJ, and so many fond memories of spending time on the channel or the mbs here.

Anyway, everybody's always welcoming here (more than anywhere else I go, I think) when I poke my head in, so feel free to drop by more often. smile And I'll always see you around on LJ! laugh *must start saving for Europe trip to visit Anna for real*

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.