Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Nostalgia - 12/13/10 11:32 AM
Hey guys smile

I haven't been here with any frequency in the last few years. I keep telling myself I'll rectify that, but the days pass by and I don't.

I figured that now, with Christmas coming close and all, it would be a good time to just share some memories from here and thank you all for this beautiful place. (Thanksgiving might have been another good time for it, but we don't have it in my culture, so there. goofy )

So yea... for those who don't know me, I've been a registered FoLC since early 2003. I was in my last year of junior high, a few months shy of 15 years old. These boards and the fanfic kept me the best company until I finished school.

Afterwards, I started drifting off. First to venture into Harry Potter fanfic communities, then life became more RL-centered. Actual Greek people started getting online *g* and I shifted to interacting more with them on my online time, too. However, I've always had the fondest memories from this place and community and I've repeatedly regretted not being around more often.

I'm now in my final year of university. I have a boyfriend who's watched some L&C with me wink and I've talked to him about this place; about what a lovely community we are and how this place saw me through my adolescence, which is admittedly a difficult time for everyone.

Every time I stop by, there are always new faces blending in with the old ones. It makes me so happy that the community is still going strong! This is one of the most loving and peaceful corners of the Internet; and it didn't change, despite the Internet growing so vast, despite the large influx of people online in the past few years. We've always attracted people that have been genuinely interested in the show and that have contributed to keeping the spirit alive. I mean... just go to any YouTube video and read the comments. Every time I do, I feel so grateful for having grown up in this place. It's sad to think that today's average 15-year-old hangs out there, among comment wars riddled with profanities and bad grammar/spelling.

(It's funny how when I was a teen, people older than me fretted about how dangerous the Internet is, how bad for the children and how you shouldn't disclose your personal info to anyone, and I always thought of it being such a great place for finding friends. Now I'm the one fretting about how much inappropriate stuff exists on the Internet, and people older than me have made Facebook accounts to share everything with everyone they've ever made eye-contact with. goofy Oh, the times, how they change!
Still, as I've always said, in Internet, like in real life, you have to choose where to go and who to befriend. And this is one of the best places with some of the best people. smile )

Thank you all so much for being here, or for having ever, at some point, been here. I'm proud to call myself a FoLC and I wish everything in life was as beautiful as this place is.

I love you all. love
Posted By: Sue S. Re: Nostalgia - 12/13/10 11:44 AM

I've wondered about you over the past year or so every time that Greece was in the headlines. It's wonderful to see that you're still out there and still thinking about us.

You're absolutely right about this site being a pleasant corner of sanity and civility. There are so many people here that I regret I will never get to meet in RL, but it does make the world seem a little smaller to know that I can share with them the love of a cherished show.

Please do continue to drop in and let us know how you're doing from time to time. wave

I wish you all the best! twins
Posted By: Artemis Re: Nostalgia - 12/13/10 04:36 PM
Χαιρετίζω την επάνοδο Άννα και Καλά Χριστούγεννα!
(Welcome back Anna and Merry Christmas)
yes, it's a Babylon translation, so blame them for any mistakes.
Good to hear from you again! You always had clever things to say about the stories.
We'll keep the light on for you.
Posted By: Doranwen Re: Nostalgia - 12/14/10 02:48 AM
Hey Anna! I feel like that every time I post here--I'm kinda still part of things, but not, at the same time. Mostly because I was one of the people who got the whole epub conversion project going (did you know we now have L&C fics in epub format, ready for an e-reader?), and I'm still converting fics when I have time (now that I have a new comp should be back on it). Otherwise I don't really have a major part in this community any more, but so many good friends here!

(I even ran into someone on the Yuletide IRC channel the other day who used to hang out on #loisclark years ago, though I don't recognize the name.)

Every time I meet someone from another fandom, I want to say, "Oh, you have to check out L&C! It's a special place!" But I wouldn't know how to say it so they'd understand . . . I have connections through this fandom that STILL make up the foremost part of my friends list on LJ, and so many fond memories of spending time on the channel or the mbs here.

Anyway, everybody's always welcoming here (more than anywhere else I go, I think) when I poke my head in, so feel free to drop by more often. smile And I'll always see you around on LJ! laugh *must start saving for Europe trip to visit Anna for real*
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Nostalgia - 12/16/10 03:23 PM
Thanks for the replies, guys smile It's nice to see I'm still remembered around here. ^^

See you around! smile
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