Hi everyone.

Since I'm participating in this years Secret Santa I think I should introduce myself. I am big fan of L&C (obviously, why else would I be here) and a lurker :p

I didn't become a fan of L&C until early 2009 when I rediscovered it. Once I remembered it and watched the entire series at least twice I became addicted to it. I wanted more so I started looking online if there were any fanfiction site and I found it laugh

I have read almost all the stories in the archive and follow up on both message boards, but I lurk... I don't post anything cause 1)I'm blush shy and 2) I keep my opinions to myself.

But then....I finally got the courage to join the weekly IRC to watch and chat about the episodes. I made new friends there and that made me want to know more about everyone. So I joined SS this year and maybe my lurking days will be over goofy -Soda

About me:
Name: Cielo, I picked Soda as my user name cause I like soda goofy
I'm filipino but I grew up in Hawaii since I was 4.
Female, 18+ goofy

"Thank you for flying Church of England, cake or death?"
-Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill

Cake please =P