perhaps Meadowrose could consider posting the list of participants?
Meadowrose, if you decide to take up LabRat's suggestion, PLEASE only post our online display names, not our full RL names! I try to keep my online reputation strictly professional. As much as I enjoy L&C, I don't ever want a potential employer Googling my name and coming to this forum.

One reason this thread is so short may be that many people may have simply responded to Jax and/or Meadowrose via private e-mail. I hadn't posted to this thread before simply because I saw no need to. I did contact both Jax and Meadowrose privately.

Incidentally, I am confused by your post, Lisamaree. You indicated that you would have been willing to participate if Jax were the organizer. But if you had participated, you would have been agreeing to let your personal information be shared with someone else (i.e., the person who was to send you a card) -- someone about whom you know even less than you know about Meadowrose.
