Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
And in the early strips he routinely forced confessions from people by doing things like dropping them from heights and catching them at the last second.
Actually, he did that in L&C, too. Remember Dillinger? blush
Yep. And I remember thinking how out of character that was in the series. And even then, he did it only in extenuating circumstances: He thought he could never be Clark Kent again (i.e., he thought that his life as he knew it was over) and other peoples' lives were on the line. To say he was undergoing an emotional strain would be an understatement. I can't imagine "our" Clark doing anything like that under normal circumstances. Although we didn't see him doing so, I could easily imagine him angsting about his actions once things settled down again.

In the strips, he did this sort of thing far more casually and routinely in the early strips. I can not see early-strip-Superman thinking twice about such actions.
