
I am a huge admirer of J. Michael Straczynski -- I think that Babylon 5 is the best TV series ever created, bar none. (While I enjoy L&C tremendously, I must say that it lacks the depth, realism, continuity, character nuances and growth, and scope of B5.) All the same, I am not sanguine about the new direction of Superman.

I hope this is just a one-off graphic novel and not a more permanent revamping of the character. (There have been other one-off else world graphic novels -- e.g., Red Son, in which Clark's capsule cam down in the Soviet Union, and he was raised to embrace communism.) If this is just a one-off else-world story, it would probably make a riveting read, given its author. But if it is a complete, permanent (well, as permanent as anything is in the DC universe) overhaul of the character, then as far as I am concerned, Clark Kent died this month. I'll still enjoy his past exploits, but not his future ones.

Then again, I am not part of the demographic group which DC considers desirable, so they wouldn't care what I think...
