This morning I took a look at the montly security report from my anti virus software. It said a total of 113issues had been found on my pc during the last 30 days. 2 were spyware stopped and 111 were websites blocked. I have only had the (new) pc since March. Is my pc "infected?"

I realize the connection issue (longterm) is not the best but is that already causing trouble? (Again, I have an ancient modem that requires me to "establish a broadband connection" before being able to go online. I have to do this every time because I don't chose to leave my pc on 24/7). I've questioned my ISP about upgrading to an "always connected/on" modem and was told that'd cost $60-$70. If I were to ever change services from my DSL to the cable company, their service comes with that type of modem for the same speed and price as dsl so I am looking into that.