To top it off, there is another trend, at least in the honor killings occurring in Germany. (And, yes, there are a number of cases.) Quite often, a young male who is less than 21 years old (and thus, *might* still be given a lighter sentence like a youngster) or even a young man of less than 18 years will be persuaded to do the deed so nobody will have to spend a life sentence in prison. (For people up to 18 years, the highest sentence for murder is 10 years, and that will almost always be reduced by 3 or 4 years for good behavior. For people of 18 to 21 years, they can be considered adult or juvenile by the law, often resulting in a lesser sentence.) Personally, I find that highly disturbing.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)