Yesterday was my 4 year anniversary and to celebrate, we went to the shooting range. We live in Texas so guns are pretty awesome here. Though I'm really not as hillbilly as that makes me sound. laugh

Anywho, I shot my hubby's 357 (w/ 38's in it), a Glock 26, a Khar (something) that shot 9mm, and a Ruger 101. Anyway, anyone know anything about guns? I was surprised I did NOT like the semi-automatics. I really liked my hubby's pistol 357 the best cause it had the least kick but the Ruger was a close 2nd. I'm trying to find something that has very little kick but that could also stop someone in their tracks if need be. Semis are not as reliable as revolvers so I'm leaning towards that but if anyone has any other suggestions, let me know.

Any other gun owners or interested in guns Folcs on here?

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw