Hey guys,
Sorry for disappearing. I hit a rough patch in life and just sort of shut down on a lot of things.

Because you FoLCs are such wonderful people, and were always so lovely to me, I kinda feel like you deserve a better explaination but its hard to talk about.

I guess I'll just come out and say the worst.

I came so very close to trying to kill myself.

When my... plan... (for lack of a better word) didn't work, I thought of all the people that I would hurt by following through, and my friends were on that list, and you deserve to know. My friends here, you should know, and be proud of the fact that you helped save a life. Thank you, you gave me hope, just by being yourselves. I've never met a nicer community of people than the FoLCs here.

I'm a whole heap better now, and I kinda like to think that maybe I've beaten the hardest enemy to beat out there, myself. Or least won a major battle.

And I'm glad I didn't do it ya know, cause life is beautiful and I'm not going to lose sight of that again.

Anyway this is horribly awkward to talk about so...look over there! *points* Its the ficus! *hides*

(And this is just between us yeah? A couple of my RL friends were cruel about the whole depression thing, and it hurt.)

I missed you guys,

Jenni (although I answer to Jackie now as well, its all Dave's fault for renaming me lol)

In this life of froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.