Hi, guys! hyper As I said in another thread I had preeclampsia when I was 30 weeks along. With 31 weeks I was admitted to the hospital and my doctor intended I could carry the gestation until 36 weeks. I was very swollen and my blood pressure was high and it got worse and worse. frown I was gaining about 2 pounds/day from the swelling and it seemed I was going to explode. I gained 60 pounds in about 20 days! I won't post pictures because I don't want even remember that time. After a week (I was 32 weeks along) my doctor decided we couldn't wait anymore and so I had a C-section on September, 17.

Kayla Lopes Leal was born with 3 pounds 9 oz and 16 inches. She was healthy, but as she was premature she had to stay at the hospital to gain weight. I spent the days at the hospital to breastfeed her. It was very tiresome, because I was recuperating from the C-section and the hospital was a two-hour drive from my house. I kept this routine for 30 days.

But, happily, she left the hospital on October, 17! I thank all the prayers and thoughts during this time. Now she's at home and we couldn't be happier! She is a very easy baby, sleeps well and just wakes up when she is hungry. She has gained weight and is reaching 5 pounds. Here are some pictures of her leaving the hospital and at home:

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With the nurses and doctors on the day she left the hospital.

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With Daddy, Mommy and a nurse.

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Today at home.

She is a cutie, isn't she? blush

Andreia (proud mommy)

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15