I put my dog to sleep today (see my avitar). My loyal companion of the last fifteen years. Hardest thing I think I’ve ever done. In tribute, I wrote... I wouldn’t call it a poem exactly. There was no editing. No attempts to make it rhyme or flow. It’s really just my thoughts today. But I wanted to put it out there in the cosmos as a tribute to her - Shasta. Having said that, please don't be sad for me. She's at peace, and knowing that, I am, too.

She’s Just A Dog
(A Tribute To Shasta)

I remember well the day we met
Her bark I noticed first
She was at the pound
Sounding like a dog three times her size
Better to frighten away bad guys, I thought

We struck a deal, she and I
I would feed her, give her land to roam
And a place to stay when the weather was bad
Her job would be to guard the place
Keep thieves and animals away, I thought

The house seemed too small at first
Always there, under foot
I wondered if I’d made a mistake
Food dishes, water dishes, fur balls everywhere
Could we find a way to co-exist, I thought

She didn’t chase balls, didn’t see the point
Would always return the first one
And then watch in bafflement as I threw it away again
Didn’t heel well either - always wanting to be out in front
She didn't seem to know who was boss, I thought

She wormed her way into my heart, and I did the same to hers
I cried into her fur when sad, and shared with her my joys
She played in the woods around my house, never with restraints
Yet she loved most when leash came out
So she could take me for a walk, I thought

I sat beside her for a time today, she was so sick and sad
I kissed her head and said goodbye, thanked her for being mine
Her breathing slowed and finally stopped, she was at last at peace
And now the house seems somewhat large
For living, just for me, I thought

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane