I know that several FoLCs are on LJ or other, similar networking sites. You may or may not have heard of Dreamwidth - similar to LiveJournal, but with upgraded code, no ads, and a commitment to very hands-on maintenence. The biggest plus, for me, is the extended entry limits (LJ only allows 64k per post - Dreamwidth is easily double that) and comment limits. The no-ads commitment does mean that it's a bit more expensive than LJ, but free accounts are available as well.

There are some things in their diversity statement that I don't... entirely agree with, but I can safely ignore that. smile

Anyway, Dreamwidth is currently in closed beta while they get the kinks worked out. There are two ways to join - either by paying one month's worth ($3 USD) and allowing it to revert to basic when the month is up, or by getting an invite code from someone who already has an account.

I don't know if FoLCs have much interest in this, although I've seen Hatman over there (waves). Personally speaking, I'm sticking to LJ and my happy little corner of SG-1 fandom there, although I am using my Dreamwidth account too. I've also created a second account there for archiving my old LnC fic because, well, why not? smile

Anyway, to make a long story short, I've just gotten two invite codes under my hazelrah account. I also have a few spares from my SG-1 account. I'd rather give those codes to friends than to strangers, so - anybody interested? If so, comment here with your e-mail address (or e-mail me at ihazel [at] yahoo [dot] com) and I'll send you an invite.

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827