I've come very late to this thread, so I hope you don't mind my adding one other comment. Earlier, Ann said,
In Leviticus 18, the Bible defines what incest is. In Leviticus 18:6, it says:
'No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD.
She then adds,
The Bible then details exactly what sexual relations are forbidden.... Here's the thing: The Bible does not specifically forbid a man to have sex with his daughter. All other close relatives are forbidden as sex partners, but nothing specific is said to forbid a man to have sex with his daughter.
However, that isn't exactly correct. The general statement, "No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations," is the command. The examples explain what else is included in the command, primarily for those who might think that it only referred to not having sex with one's children (a person's closest relatives):

"What about my daughter-in-law? She's not blood kin." --Nope, she's a close relative, too.

"Well, what about my uncle's wife? That's another generation away, and she's not kin, either." --Nope, she's a close relative, too.

"I've got it--what about my half sister? After all, we all know Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, was married to his half sister, Sarah." --Nope, she's a close relative and covered under the commandment, too.

"Drat. You mean not only my daughters but all those other women, too, are off-limits? God didn't have to be so specific, did He?"

Despite my lightness here, the original topic of this thread is not something I regard lightly. The honor killings are appalling in themselves, but having a government approve of them is so horrible that it is almost beyond words. As distressing as I find it, thank you for bringing an event like this to my attention, Ann.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
