You are of course absolutely right that those who are able to do something to stop brutalities from taking place are morally obliged to try to do so.

An important point I've tried to make, however, is that all of us are going to find it easier to judge others than to judge ourselves. Those who are strong and in power are in a postion to really judge and punish others for their shortcomings, and at the same time they can allow themselves to get away scot-free. And that is, in my opinion, why all major religions are sexist. They are sexist because men are always in a position to punish women if they claim that God gives the same rights to women as he does to men.

But of course, another main point that can be made is that we are all morally obliged to hold ourselves to the same standards as we do others. In a society where that was the case, there could never be any slaves.
