
My laptop crashed. :p The good news is that I can go laptop shopping, and I'd like some advice. Mac or PC?

I think I'm a regular computer user; not IT illiterate, even if I'm not exactly IT savvy. I use my laptop mainly for music, movies, television shows, torrenting, internet, and word processing... word, excel and power point... and some audio editing. I don't play computer games.

I've been a long time PC user, so I'm familiar with the problems of PC, but I'm also very familiar with the operating system. My last OS was XP, if I get a new PC the OS would either be Windows 7 or Vista; I hope it won't be Vista cos I've heard bad things about it. Was originally using XP.

Never used a Mac before; I've heard good things about it, but I'd also like to know more about its problems to make an informed decision.

Mac users... PC users who converted to Mac... Mac users who converted to PC.. any help? Advice?