Where I work, this year we're making an extra effort to help our local food bank, with so many people laid off in the area in the last year or so. We had a lot of automotive-related industry, and unemployment's increased significantly as a result - and most of those laid off won't be able to find jobs in the same industry. They're looking at retraining or ending up with McJobs at less than half the pay they're used to. Christmas won't be the same in their homes this year.

Our local Christmas hamper programmes are over-subscribed (as are similar programmes all over North America), homeless shelters are full to overflowing, and the food bank is in desperate need of donations. Normally, at each Christmas party we have (our own; joint with other agencies, etc) we bring food bank donations, but this year we're adopting a local family and having a competition within the agency to see which team can collect the most donations for the food bank (prize is a dress-down day, so you can't say we're wasting money on prizes wink ).

There are lots of good causes this year, so if you have or can afford to buy a toy or two, or some surplus cans or baby-food or other non-perishable food (or nappies/diapers, toothpaste etc are also needed), then just look up your local food bank, homeless shelter or other charity of your choice. Like Jenn said, their need is greater than ours.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*