So I'm sitting here tonight editing a story about Toys for Tots, and all of a sudden I'm in tears. (Some hardened newswoman I am; Lois would be totally disgusted.) The Seattle branch of this wonderful program has received about a tenth of the donations it usually has by now, and that means many children in need will go without presents this Christmas, as the situation is similarly dire across the U.S. The organization usually has about $100,000 in cash donations by now -- and this year has $3,000.

It just broke my heart. I couldn't imagine having to tell a child that Santa won't be coming this year.

So I decided that I'm going to make a donation to my local branch (a good excuse to go buy fun, pink toys) -- and then I started thinking. Remember how, in "Seasons Greedings," Clark speaks with "Santa," about having Superman get people to help needy children?

Well, here I am.

I'm no Superman, but I was kind of thinking we could make this something of a FoLC outreach project for the holidays? I know that this time of year isn't easy for coming up for extra cash, but even a toy from the dollar store or a $5 donation could help make a child's Christmas bright.

If people are interested, please post below, or if you donate something, maybe post after you've dropped it off? I bet a lot of FoLCs have spirit this year -- or maybe this is a terrible idea and I have no clue what I am talking about.

Either way, here are the drop-off locations for U.S. residents:

For those outside the U.S., I encourage you to make a charitable donation to a local organization, whether it be toys, pet food, or something else.

AKA Pinky Claus

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"