Originally posted by StarKat:
You know how it seems like global warming can do just about anything? It can cause heating, same temp, cooling and all kinds of other wacky things? Well, this video actually details all the different things global warming is supposedly doing. It's hysterical, trust me.

The problem is that climate change sceptics (and much of the mainstream media) use the terms 'global warming' and 'climate change' interchangeably, as though they were the same thing. They are not.

In fact, much of the right-wing of politics refuses to use the term 'climate change' at all, preferring instead to make fun of the environmental movement by speaking only of 'global warming'. Obviously, when you call climate change - which can be responsible for cooler average regional temperatures, increases in regional levels of rain/snow etc - global warming, you make the entire notion sound ridiculous.

I had an excellent website bookmarked which explained the differences between global warming and climate change much better than I could but I lost it a couple of months ago. I'll see if I can find it again.