PJ said:

My kids are in elementary school these days, and they're learning a ton about American history, geography, civics, etc.
I guess I can see why someone would want to discuss it, but I don't feel being educated abroad would negate Obama's knowledge about America. As a US citizen educated completely abroad until college, I am quite certain I know more about the history and politics of this country than many a person educated in this country their whole lives--Jay Leno's Streetwalking segments could testify to that. All of the knowledge one could learn in grade school could certainly be learned by someone who majored in polisci at Colombia. Not to mention, any of that information could be learned by someone who was literate enough to pick up a book and read. In addition, given that he was a college professor of constitutional law, it's pretty much a guarantee that he knows the constitution better than the majority of us.

To me, personally, that's not a particularly good argument against his presidency for the reasons outlined above. Sarah Palin was a communications/journalism major who jumped from college to college until she found the right one for her, but I don't understand why lack of resolve for her future career disqualifies her from trying to be VP either and I'm sure all her supporters would agree. It's about your track record, what you say you stand for, the policies you propose and so forth.

What disgusts me most about this campaign is how people feel like personal lives should enter in. I don't care if McCain has three houses or 20. If his wife wants to buy him houses, then she can go ahead and do it. And whether Obama did drugs as a youngster doesn't matter to me either. He apparently doesn't do them now, so moving on. I care what they say they're going to do in office now and what their track record in the past supports. That's what matters to me.


Swoosh --->