Really interesting! Carol - thanks for the Reid/Pelosi comparison...that helped. So it's more like you have two branches of government while we have three. Our system puts in place a series of checks and balances so no branch can be more powerful than the others, and the US electorate often votes for a President that's of the opposite party from the party that controls the legislature. However, the system is often bogged down in gridlock...Congress can't get legislation passed without the president vetoing it, and Congress doesn't have enough votes to override the veto. I wonder if Canadians feel like your system runs more smoothly - that your government has an easier time passing laws. We also have majority and minority whips who pressure members of their party not to break ranks, particularly on important bills, but it doesn't always work that way. Another question (I hope I'm not annoying you all!): how often do you have elections? Is there a set schedule or is it only when a budget fails to pass?
Susan (who will also be spending November 4 teaching about the electoral college!)

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink