Well, the Marijuana PArty is tempting but it's not running candidates in most ridings. Now my favourite, the Rhinoceros Party has disbanded and so....

Honestly, in this election, I don't know who to vote for.

Overall, the Conservatives haven't done too bad a job, and our incumbent MP, who is Conservative is hardworking and has integrity. But the Cons have shortchanged Ontario (my province) so that's problematic.

The Liberals? The leader, Stephane Dion, is very closely associated (see various histories of the Chretien years, eg. Susan Delacourt) with our former PM around whom much corruption swirled (perhaps why he lost the last election) As well, I can't forget the vicious Liberal attack ads of the last election which essentially accused Harper of planning to establish a militrary dictatorship. As well, Dion has made election promises that cost so much money that we'll be once more in deficit.

The Greens? I like their environmental program. Also, heard their new leader, Elizabeth May, speak a couple of years ago when she was head of the Sierra Club in Canada and was really impressed. OF all the party leaders, she comes closest to being charismatic. But the she's been anti-abortion until last year (I can't figure out what her stand is now, although I have read it) . But I'm unclear about what the Party stands beyond the environmental. In the last election, it was fiscally conservative, but now seems very like the NDP.

Okay, the NDP (as I've stated elsewhere I'm a former card-carrying member) But.... so many economic promises - I'm ok with deficit spending in tough times (and that we are in!) but the NDP plans are excessive. As well, I've always been uncomfortable with the Party decision to pull out of NATO.

So... none of the above.

more than you wanted to know, right? smile

What to do? Maybe, make the call on whomever I figure has the most integrity and ability, regardless of party?
