I'm glad you guys are enjoying the Olympics. I was a little worried that, like the Sydney Olympics in 2000, America might feel 'ripped off' by the time differences and telecasts... nice to see it isn't an issue this time around.

Since I'm actually living the games at the moment in the co-host city Hong Kong, I thought I would share a little insight into the Chinese and how it relates to having the military involvement and significance in the Opening Ceremony. China is very patriotic. As such, not just with war, but also major disasters, of which China has it's fair share, the military become heavily involved. The people are proud of this, to the point where it is something they want to show the world... but perhaps the message isn't being understood in the way China would want. I don't think they are trying to intimidate anyone with their military might... just show everything that China is proud of... Their art, their culture, their army.
As an ex-pat, I find the way the army are portrayed on chinese tv 'amusing'. During catastrophes, you will see 'songs' on chinese tv sung by the army while showing inspiring rescue scenes with the army at the forefront out and about... every hour... at least! It's quite motivational for the people I imagine.

Having been at the Sydney Games, and now seeing the Hong Kong part of the Beijing Games, the atmosphere is very similar on the streets. People are enjoying it, people are motivated, and proud (of course!), and it has a really multi-cultural feel.

One other thing.. you guys didn't see the end of the Opening Ceremony. Because it ran over time, it was cut. We were sitting watching the english channel coverage here (in HK), and it ended, so my husband turned to one of the Hong Kong chinese channels (he was translating for me), and the opening was still going. Jackie Chan and a couple of other singers did a concert for the athletes. This wasn't telecast to the rest of the world. It was a real shame.
Wasn't anyone else wondering if Jackie Chan would be in the opening ceremony given his high profile in all THOSE ads?

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box