Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: groobie The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 01:10 AM
Wow - the opening ceremony was spectacular! Best luck to the competitors, and I hope everyone around the world enjoys cheering on their countrymen and the spirit of the games. smile1
Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 01:37 AM
I KNOW - It blew me away. So many great moments. So much symbolism (my fave was the wall and the people waving), so much visual perfection. I was literally gasping a lot of the time. I can't wait until it hits one of the video websites and I get to watch it again! Good luck to everyone!

Posted By: LabRat Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 04:31 AM
Sorry to sound a sour note laugh , but every time I see the Birds Nest stadium all I can think of are the poor homeless Chinese! mad

I hear that the Chinese authorities aim is that these Olympics should last in the memory for generations to come.

I'm certainly sure that those poor people who were forcibly evicted, had their homes demolished to make way for the stadium being built, and are now living homeless, without any compensation, will remember it for years to come... razz

A few fireworks just don't compensate for such cruelty for this viewer, I'm afraid. frown

LabRat smile
Posted By: shimauma Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 09:45 AM
Are there any schedules posted as to when certain events will be televised? I'm only interested in a couple of events(archery and show jumping<horses>), so I'd like to be able to know when to tune in.


PS: hadn't heard that about the Chinese government taking peoples' land to build the site. That really is horrible. Big government, whaddya gonna do? huh
Posted By: cp33 Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 10:12 AM
Sorry to sound a sour note , but every time I see the Birds Nest stadium all I can think of are the poor homeless Chinese!

I hear that the Chinese authorities aim is that these Olympics should last in the memory for generations to come.

I'm certainly sure that those poor people who were forcibly evicted, had their homes demolished to make way for the stadium being built, and are now living homeless, without any compensation, will remember it for years to come...

A few fireworks just don't compensate for such cruelty for this viewer, I'm afraid.
Well said Labby, I didn't watch the ceremony in my own simple protest. Our national news has covered several families that had their homes taken away. The follow up stories have been heartbreaking to see so many of these very old people living in hovels with nothing left.

I can't think that China is anything but the big bully.
Posted By: groobie Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 10:52 AM
Are there any schedules posted as to when certain events will be televised?
If you go to the NBC Olympics home page , there is a link on the right-hand side where you can put in your cable/satellite provider and it will show you all of the events and when/what channel they will air for your location (I assume this is just for the US, though).
Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 12:02 PM
Yeah that and the Tibet situation kinda set my teeth on edge, I admit my initial discomfort. The ceremony was more than a few fireworks though. To me, it was a stunning celebration of Chinese culture for the world, one that people had been eagerly expecting. I don't want to take that away from them or downplay its significance, even though yes, the dark side, the cost in these terms, is worth thinking about.

I take a very pragmatic approach in that all governments at one point or another have done similarly despicable things in the name of the latest money venture or worse. That is not to downplay the horror and abuse, but to single out the Chinese would make me feel like a hypocrite. I find China is no more a bully than any other country with the resources to be.

So while these dark sides are deplorable, they are most often there than not. I don't believe in throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There'd be little left if we did.

Posted By: groobie Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 12:10 PM
I suspected when I posted something about the Olympics, I might generate some political disagreement. Certainly the question of human rights violations by the Chinese governemnt is a difficult one. But so is the question of the effectiveness of political pressure by outsiders to bring about internal change.

My husband lived in Taiwain for a year and mainland China for 6 months (in Tianjin). His view is that many people calling for boycotts or political demonstrations do not understand the culture of government in China and the fact that such protests would likely backfire. I found this article that presents a similiar point of view.

Many cities that have hosted major international events have been criticized by the way they have treated the homeless. Roundups of destitute people to "clean up the city" have been done countless times in America and around the world. I am not in favor of this policy; I am suggesting that China is not unique for having had the same policy towards the homeless population of Beijing. I also found this article about the effect that Olympic Games in recent years have had on housing issues in the host cities.

I did not support the US boycott of the Moscow games because I believe it held no tangible political value and only hurt the athletes who had trained so hard for the competition. I was embarrased by the glorification of US wins in the LA games, knowing full well that some of the best competition was absent. So I try to set aside political considerations for the duration of the games, and instead celebrate the personal successes of atheltes from around the world. I hope that the example of joining together with others in peace through healthy athletic competion serves as a greater example for how the governments of the world should interact.
Posted By: Saskia Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 04:01 PM
I, for one, am really sorry to see that The Olympics have turned from a truly nice sporting event into a political something. The Olympics stand about something. They are for atlethes to come together and play against each other. Or, as Pierre de Coubertin once said, participating is more important than winning.

So all that show around the Games... not really my cup of tea. Big waste of money as well.

But what I hate even more is that The Olympics are mostly about winning. How many medals will we win? Will we make it in the top 10 this year? Of course I'm proud when we do win a medal. We have our first medal (bronze in judo) and that's excellent. (I'm kinda prejudiced here, I used to play judo and I know this guy personally). I like that he won one. Like I'll enjoy seeing other atlethes who aren't well know already win a medal. Because they manage to do something extraordinary in the atmosphere of the Olympic Games.

Don't even get me started on the drugs...

So to me, the games are about sport. Playing, participating, having fun, doing your best. The incredible opening show doesn't add to that. I get that some show is needed for all of those who aren't like me (I'm fanatical when it comes to sport wink ), but China went over the top.

Saskia smile
Posted By: cp33 Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 07:08 PM
The opening Ceremony are truly my least favorite part of the games. I am happy when the games are on and you can see all the training and effort these men and women have put into getting to the games.
Posted By: Shadow Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/09/08 09:41 PM
Opening ceremony was *spectacular*. I particularly loved seeing the seemingly perfect circles of people doing Tai Chi. Just lovely!

Posted By: Trinity Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/10/08 12:49 AM

I love volleyball. As a former high school and college player, I looooved watching Team USA win, especially after tragedy struck the olympic volleyball community this weekend.

Seriously though, it was such a good game. The tallest player on their team is 6'7". She's a beast.

Did anyone catch the fencing? Can someone please explain to me why they scream bloody murder after every point?
Posted By: groobie Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/10/08 01:11 AM
Can someone please explain to me why they scream bloody murder after every point?
Seriously! I said to my husband, are they really being stabbed?! dizzy The fact that I was even watching fencing is funny enough - because it's the Olympics, I'll watch anything that's on. I was watching badmitton at 1am...how bizzare is that?! I got really into the men's road race - the top 6 people all finished a cycling race that lasted over 6 hours with a seperation of less than a second. I just feel horrible for #6 - how can he go home and say that the guy who got the gold was so much better than him when they were less than a second apart?!
I too think it is sad that the Olympics gets smothered by the politics of the situation. It should be a time to celebrate the unity of all the countries.. and watch countries we hardly see mention of compete against the giant powerhouse nations... I love backing the underdog.

As much as I can appreciate the sentiments of those who are horrified by what the government has done, this is also a time where the chinese people are allowed to celebrate, and showcase the beautiful (and often hidden) country they live in... and why not educate the world on it's beauty, culture and art! (and maybe a bit of it's pollution too!! wink )

Having said that, I don't think a lot of the chinese people here understand all the sports and what they are about.. I am sure everyone heard about the people leaving the equestrian dressage or falling asleep. Further to that, they have had to run a cartoon series using the mascots to teach people what each sport is... it's mildly amusing.

Over all though... being in the Olympic co-host city at the moment, the people (rich and poor - for there is a great divide(and I don't think anyone here would deny that)) are out there cheering on their team(s).. the homeless and poor have been sitting in some of the venues where the big screens are set up watching and cheering.. it's nice to see....
The other thing I like is that all the tv channels here (and there are at least 4 showing the olympics) show all the teams in the events being telecast... they don't just focus on the local Hong Kong and China competitors. (Something that doesn't happen in Australia where you generally only see the australians in action and a few peripherals).
We've met 3 of the 5 Olympic mascots in our outings thus far... and honestly.. people love it... locals and tourists alike line up for photos and to say hi and be a part of something like this.

I'm lucky.. this is my second Olympics (I lived in Sydney during the 2000 Olympics).. and they are just as much fun... different country... same attitude... I think that's got to be a good thing.
Posted By: LabRat Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 07:06 AM
It seems that the ceremony was less impressive than it appeared. What a thing to do to a child and how sad that she's been so indoctrinated that she thinks it was an okay thing to do to her because the country is all and the individual matters no more than a bug. frown

China Olympic ceremony star mimed

A pretty girl who won national fame after singing at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was only miming.

Wearing a red dress and pigtails, Lin Miaoke charmed a worldwide audience with a rendition of “Ode to the Motherland”.

But the singer was Yang Peiyi, who was not allowed to appear because she is not as "flawless" as nine-year-old Lin.

The show's musical director said Lin was used because it was in the best interests of the country.

The revelation follows news that a fireworks display used during the opening ceremony was apparently faked.

Speaking on Beijing Radio station, musical director Chen Qigang said the organisers needed a girl with both a good image and a good voice.

They faced a dilemma because although Lin was prettier, seven-year-old Yang had the better voice, Mr Chen said.

"After several tests, we decided to put Lin Miaoke on the live picture, while using Yang Peiyi's voice," he told the radio station.

"The reason for this is that we must put our country's interest first," he added.

"The girl appearing on the picture must be flawless in terms of her facial expression and the great feeling she can give to people."

Singer Lin, who is being called the "smiling angel", has already become a media celebrity because of her performance.

She told state-run China Daily that she felt "so beautiful" in the red dress she wore during the performance.

Her dad told the newspaper that she already had fans all over the country.

According to Chinese news reports, Yang said she did not regret the decision. "I'm satisfied to have had my voice in the opening ceremony," she said.

This is the second "fake" story about the opening ceremony

Viewers around the world saw a display in which 29 firework "footprints" travelled across Beijing from south to north.

But a senior official from the Beijing organising committee (Bocog) confirmed on Tuesday that footage of the display had been produced before the big night.

This was provided to broadcasters for "convenience and theatrical effects", according to Wang Wei, Bocog's executive vice-president.

"Because of poor visibility, some previously recorded footage may have been used," he told a daily press conference.
LabRat smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 09:25 AM
Beijing opening

Interesting, interesting.

Linked an article on the fireworks and the girl singing from the Telegraph in case anyone wants to read. Pictures and quotes and all that good stuff. Apparently, the politburo didn't decide on the swap until just before the show. They freely gave information on both the fireworks and the singer, and the singer will get her credit. It's still pretty badass to be the 7 year old that sang for the Olympics, and I will leave my opinion right at that 1 positive doorstep and go no further. wink

Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 10:22 AM
Part of me wonders (as usual) if all this outrage isn't largely culture-bound. Different cultures have different ways of mapping the individual's relationship to society. That's just how it goes. Also the idea of perfection being tainted by artifice is not something universal. All of that said, the gymnastics thing is messed up.

alcyone (who wonders how Japan would have reacted to Milli Vanilli laugh )
Posted By: ccmalo Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 06:03 PM
Different cultures have different ways of mapping the individual's relationship to society.
The Borg rule!

sorry -- couldn't resist laugh

ps - loved the goosestep by those lovely soldiers at the end of the opening ceremonies. So chillingly evocative. Although I'm aware that's a western spin on symbolism and likely one that those who planned, choreographed (Busby Berkley lives!) and co-ordinated the opening ceremonies perhaps were uniformed about.


Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 06:26 PM
Although I'm aware that's a western spin on symbolism and likely one that those who planned, choreographed (Busby Berkley lives!) and co-ordinated the opening ceremonies perhaps were uniformed about.
Hmm. Maybe we should have asked them to submit the plan to us beforehand? You know, just to make sure nothing gets misinterpreted.

Posted By: ccmalo Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 06:45 PM
You know, just to make sure nothing gets misinterpreted.
I know from friends who work in our foreign affairs dept that we are always concerned about how the details of our events may be perceived by others, and that we take great care to be respectful of differing cultural and historical experiences (diplomacy!), but of course it's not possible to be on top of everything. It may be too that we in Canada are more concerned about such things that other nations are. Also, I know that the goosestep is still used by the military in some countries. North Korea, for one. Does Russia still? etc.

China has a huge message to deliver to the world and no one can failed to be touched by the contrast between China in 1949 and today. It's an impressive achievement. (a Great Leap Forward <eg> - have to suppress this urge to pun about)

Nevertheless, to choose to end the opening ceremonies with a military gesture was, I thought, interesting. Trying to remember if that has been the pattern at the last few opening ceremonies. Perhaps someone knows?
Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 07:14 PM
Nevertheless, to choose to end the opening ceremonies with a military gesture was, I thought, interesting.
Yeah, I keep hearing people surprised at it. I can't help thinking that if Japan did some military thing in a similar function geared internationally (they've gotten the smack down for less) the reaction would be surprised and...something else altogether.

The first part of your statement appears to imply that having the military end is was somehow undiplomatic ("*We* do this..."). My take is...how much is one expected to change to please others? The relative positions (Canada and China) are not the same historically, so I don't know to what extent your analogy holds. Clearly Vancouver throwing the Olympics is not like Beijing throwing the Olympics. The statement ignores a whole lot of history--the kind you reference in your second paragraph. My own approach is to read things with an eye for context and positioning as much as I can.

I assume the decision made to include military was done so because there was an intrinsic value attached to that part (so here's another option that isn't someone not being on top of everything, which also carries unsettling implications). Given how big a deal was made about this, I would be surprised if this was just a random decision without an eye to some significance. And maybe it's not that they didn't know how the West would take it--maybe it was too important a to sacrifice for outsiders for reasons that we don't know.

And maybe moments like this locate where the line for inside and outside is. Again the issue of interpretation and how its always embedded in power relations. In that aspect, it's very interesting indeed.

Posted By: ccmalo Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 07:33 PM
interesting, Alcyone. I'm always concerned that relativism can lead us down a reductio ad absurbum path that leaves everything without meaning. And so we react to evereything with a shrug and say, "whatever". Is it any of "our" business to be concerned about Tibet? Or what actually did happen during the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution or the Long March or...? (and how can we, as outsiders, ever begin to know?)

Of course, Canada's history is not that of China's. And god (or whatever) knows we have nowhere near the power. Perhaps that's why we would take care with the use of such symbols - because as a small nation we must do so?

Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/12/08 09:08 PM
I'm always concerned that relativism can lead us down a reducta ad absurbum path that leaves everything without meaning. And so we react to evereything with a shrug and say, "whatever". Is it any of "our" business to be concerned about Tibet? Or what happened actually did happen during the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution or the Long March or...?
I don't espouse relativism on those terms, far from it, that would be too easy. I look at it as we make our own meaning within certain parameters. But that's another argument.

What concerns me in responding to your post on activism are that the issues brought out are issues of others (China). If you posted on say a situation in New York where a patient was left to die in the emergency room . Then my response would be different. But I don't see those issues raised. That's interesting to interrogate.

Most of the time, it's the issues of others that are brought up. In those cases, my approach is not that we should shrug--that reduces what I argue for to a binary I'd like to avoid. On one side we have the apathy and on the other we have that old universalizing, "one-size fits all" rhetoric. It's that latter one, so seemingly harmless that catches my eye, because it's a clear example of the "paved with good intentions" model.

Part of the reason I push context is because it straddles the middle ground between the apathy and the universalism. Through an attempt at understanding how complicated an issue is we can then make a more nuanced decision on how to proceed (even if we mess up, it's not a bad faith approach at least). That's pretty obvious, what might not be as obvious is that accounting for our position and context allows us to approach the people who are immediately affected in a respectful way which does not belittle their own agency.

So I would wish that if the issue of Tibet moves someone (though there's a lot of issues at home to work on, *clearly*), that they will educate themselves and support an organization working to effect change from within. I see that change much more lasting and much more ethical than when change is imposed on the outside under the old colonial model.

For example this:

Of course, Canada's history is not that of China's. And god (or whatever) knows we have nowhere near the power. Perhaps that's why we would take care with the use of such symbols - because as a small nation we must do so?
That's one reading. Here's my reading: I see this logic freezing China and Canada in a historical vacuum. It rewrites the power Canada has historically wielded over its territorial sovereignty (at the cost of indigenous populations) as vulnerability.

In bringing the emphasis to that vulnerability, China's colonial struggle (where militarization of that particular flavor comes from) is taken out of focus. And with that out of focus, you lose any ambivalence that might underlie militarization and a bunch of other stuff helpful to understanding where China is today.

Without all that mess, you end up simply isolating Canada with the specter of its fears (because in pushing China's history aside you're even further away from understanding it). I'm not too sure this a great place to be. YMMV.

Posted By: ccmalo Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 06:40 AM
Alcyone, I'm embarrassed that you quoted me before I edited the error in r.a.a. blush

moving on...
As a historian, I'll never counter the exhortation that we interpret events in context, nor that it's hugely challenging to decide on the parameters of that context in the first place. As well, how do we decide which issues become those of "others"? If we are always to regard the issues of "others (China)" [in this case] as outside our area of interest then we risk detaching ourselves from broader human concerns. (this is definitely not to argue that simplistic views of celebrities like R. Gere are to be indulged however smile )

I agree with your aside about 'one-size' fits all rhetoric - I don't think you'll find anything in my posts that would contradict that position. But I will add that in such a brief post it's not possible to do justice to the nuances of historical experience or to the complexities of diverse cultures.

btw, I don't believe I've stated what *my* perception of the Tibet issue is in my post. To quote the immortal Shrek (or was that Donkey?), "it's got layers." smile

I see this logic freezing China and Canada in a historical vacuum. It rewrites the power Canada has historically wielded over its territorial sovereignty (at the cost of indigenous populations) as vulnerability.
Rats! Now I have to write a book comparing Chinese and Canadian history. laugh

But I do think we must be careful not to exaggerate the degree of actual sovereignty that Canada's central government has had over the legal territory that is called Canada. We have been , and still continue to be very much dominated by imperial powers - France, then Britain (until 1931)
and of course, informally, the United States. (eg Teddy Roosevelt's threat to invade Canada over disputed territory on the Pacific coast - it worked btw: and there are Alaskans today who are American citizens because of it. )

As well, remember that Canada is a federalist (a confederalist really) political arrangement. Quebec is almost completely independent - it carries out its own foreign policy for example. (except for military matters - but given that out military is proportionately smaller than that of most western European countries, and certainly that of the US) , this doesn't matter all that much. smile

Canada is a small nation - for example, our GDP is only 10% that of the US - we have neither the economic or military power to cause ripples.

When I wrote:
Of course, Canada's history is not that of China's.
what I meant was that the histories of the two countries are *different*, that each has different complexities woven into its tapestry. China has an amazing past of material, intellectual, and spiritual accomplishment. What happened there after the "arrival" of the Europeans in the late 18th century, and then the Americans and the Japanese was tragic. (my value judgement I know) It was prior to that perhaps the most powerful state on earth (I know - define power) ... smile "The Central Kingdom"

Posted By: TOC Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 09:34 AM
As for myself, I was upset that a young Chinese girl with a brilliant voice was not shown to the world as she sang, but instead a "flawless" girl appeared on stage and mimed to the music. How sexist! Isn't it depressing to think that girls always have to be so beautiful? frown frown frown

Think of a man like Paul Potts. You can't describe him as very dashingly handsome, but he has become a star because he is a man with a brilliant voice. Then it doesn't matter much that is his looks aren't impressive.

Paul Potts sings Nessum Dorma and wins song contest

Anyway, what would have happened if a city in Europe or North America had hosted the Olympic Games? Is it likely that any of our cities would have picked a girl like Yang Peiji to sing and appear on TV screens everywhere? Maybe, if one of our cities had hosted the games, a girl like Yang Peiji wouldn't even have been allowed to sing. We might never have heard her voice. Instead, those in charge of the opening ceremony might have searched only among girls with "perfect" looks and chosen the "child beauty" with the best singing voice.

[Linked Image]

Posted By: alcyone Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 11:29 AM
As well, how do we decide which issues become those of "others"? If we are always to regard the issues of "others (China)" [in this case] as outside our area of interest then we risk detaching ourselves from broader human concerns.
I don't think we're understanding each other, since I keep seeing that apathy banner waved in the horizon. I never argued to view these issues as outside of our area of interest. Quite the opposite.

The use of "human concerns" is a great example. Even those terms signal to universalism. Nowadays, a lot of scholarship has found that a lot of "human" assumptions are actually coded as "Western" and "male."

The (my) point is not to throw out that frame, but to question it. To decenter it so that we can attempt a more comprehensive view of a situation not taking the above assumptions for granted.

I agree with your aside about 'one-size' fits all rhetoric - I don't think you'll find anything in my posts that would contradict that position. But I will add that in such a brief post it's not possible to do justice to the nuances of historical experience or to the complexities of diverse cultures.
I don't think you've explicitly contradicted it, no. But I think your reasoning implicitly leads us there (see example above). Most of my arguments are more concerned with questioning the frameworks that people use and how they function than with "facts" (the employment of "facts" one could say is what I find interesting). I work on language, which is why most historians hate people like me with a passion (see how White's Metahistory got slammed in the field).

Anyway, that's why the specifics of your take on Tibet really weren't central to me (I don't see why you've mentioned it in your last post, other than you might have misread me), what mattered to me was a defense from the charge that contextuality and an eye for our position lead to apathy. I see context and positionality as prompting more engagement with others and ourselves, because it impels us to question.

I agree 100%, one post (or several) doesn't do justice to the complexities of any situation. I'm aware of that, but I still feel that even gesturing to possible nuances is better than an unquestioning acceptance of a "normal" (Western) view. For example, the military thing in the Olympics as *not* a mistake and *not* functioning under a Western reading, but perhaps something else we could discern after a more detailed look at China and its internal complexity. A complete picture would never emerge, I wouldn't argue that as a possibily, but this approach decenters the central assumptions, which I think is important especially when looking at a non-Western context. The Western lens has been and continues to be "normal" when its no more inherently privileged than any other for good and ill.

Given that, I try to have an eye out for another read of the situation outside the standard one.

I appreciate the background on Canada. I'm going to try really, really hard not to read it as a dismissal of colonialism. Or placing Canada as somehow comparable with the non-West. As someone who studies the cultural production of the non-West, my bells are ringing, which tells me that my critical framework is in the way.

what I meant was that the histories of the two countries are *different*, that each has different complexities woven into its tapestry.
But see that's the thing. In my reading of your argument, the positing of differences is centered on Canada and present-focused. That's why I said that your logic, though ostensibly acknowledging difference, does so at the cost of history. Particularly colonial history, which is more relevant for our context, in my opinion, than premodern China. It will come to no surprise that I see history deeply affected and complicit with Western imperialist logic. One of its trademarks, is how it insiduously hides itself in ways that seem harmless at first glance.

What happened there after the "arrival" of the Europeans in the late 18th century, and then the Americans and the Japanese was tragic. (my value judgement I know) It was prior to that perhaps the most powerful state on earth (I know - define power)
Uhhh...I think our discussion has run its course. We're at that disjunct. I've already explained twice how the bolded remarks (snark?) misreads my position (I'm partial to Foucauldian takes on power myself btw) and I'm sure in just doing that I'm reacting to a misreading of your point...and so on. And most importantly, since there's nothing at stake in reconciling the two (in this context! smile ), perhaps it's best to acknowledge the noise and move away. Just to make it extra clear: I'm saying let's agree to disagree.

Not that I don't love talking about this stuff, clearly, but perhaps people want to gush about Michael Phelps. wink

Posted By: ccmalo Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 04:48 PM
Good god (or whoever whatever) Alcyone, I now believe you willfully misunderstand everything I write.
There is no hope for discussion in the face of your resolute determination to dismiss everything I write.
For example my reference to Tibet was no more than a phrase in my first post, and a glib pop culture ref in another - why on earth you've miscontruied that into an ethnocentric interpretation of global history on my part is beyond me.
I have never encountered such rigidity and intolerance on these mbs.
Posted By: Sue S. Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 05:13 PM
Can someone please explain to me why they scream bloody murder after every point?
I found the answer !

Tradition. Before electronic scoring (introduced at the Olympic level to épée in 1936, to foil in 1956, and to saber in 1988), two judges were positioned behind each fencer and would watch the opposite contender to see whether he'd been hit. A fencer would often shout something after executing a hit or "touch" to convince the judges that he'd been successful and also to energize himself. Now the shout is purely triumphant.

Many fencers just shriek or roar after a touch, but some prefer "et là," which means "and there" in French—the official language for international fencing competitions.

The article goes on to explain the mystery that had me scratching my head - why the heck the divers go shower as soon as they leave the pool. Seriously, is the pool water caustic?
Posted By: groobie Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 09:35 PM
why the heck the divers go shower as soon as they leave the pool. Seriously, is the pool water caustic?
Oh my gosh...you are my hero! My husband and I have been asking that question all week! Our guesses: Toxic cholorine? Flesh eating bacteria? laugh

Susan (who's really just watching diving for the Speedos! thumbsup )
Posted By: Sue S. Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/13/08 10:14 PM
who's really just watching diving for the Speedos!
Those are the skimpiest Speedos I've ever seen (and I was on the swim team for four years). It's the first time I've ever worried that a guy is going to sneeze and expose himself on international television. Every time they get out of the pool and go shower, I feel a little dirty for watching. And yet, I watch... drool
Posted By: Trinity Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/14/08 12:06 AM
Nice, Sue! Thanks. That fencing thing was a little intimidating, lol.
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: The Olympics - Let the Games Begin! - 08/14/08 05:27 AM
Those are the skimpiest Speedos I've ever seen (and I was on the swim team for four years). It's the first time I've ever worried that a guy is going to sneeze and expose himself on international television. Every time they get out of the pool and go shower, I feel a little dirty for watching. And yet, I watch...

I'll admit that it's a little odd watching them take a shower after getting out of the pool, but I've always loved watching the diving and the gymnastics. I really enjoyed watching the gymnastics competition so far. Particularly the battle for the team gold medal in the Women's Team Final between the US and China.
I'm glad you guys are enjoying the Olympics. I was a little worried that, like the Sydney Olympics in 2000, America might feel 'ripped off' by the time differences and telecasts... nice to see it isn't an issue this time around.

Since I'm actually living the games at the moment in the co-host city Hong Kong, I thought I would share a little insight into the Chinese and how it relates to having the military involvement and significance in the Opening Ceremony. China is very patriotic. As such, not just with war, but also major disasters, of which China has it's fair share, the military become heavily involved. The people are proud of this, to the point where it is something they want to show the world... but perhaps the message isn't being understood in the way China would want. I don't think they are trying to intimidate anyone with their military might... just show everything that China is proud of... Their art, their culture, their army.
As an ex-pat, I find the way the army are portrayed on chinese tv 'amusing'. During catastrophes, you will see 'songs' on chinese tv sung by the army while showing inspiring rescue scenes with the army at the forefront out and about... every hour... at least! It's quite motivational for the people I imagine.

Having been at the Sydney Games, and now seeing the Hong Kong part of the Beijing Games, the atmosphere is very similar on the streets. People are enjoying it, people are motivated, and proud (of course!), and it has a really multi-cultural feel.

One other thing.. you guys didn't see the end of the Opening Ceremony. Because it ran over time, it was cut. We were sitting watching the english channel coverage here (in HK), and it ended, so my husband turned to one of the Hong Kong chinese channels (he was translating for me), and the opening was still going. Jackie Chan and a couple of other singers did a concert for the athletes. This wasn't telecast to the rest of the world. It was a real shame.
Wasn't anyone else wondering if Jackie Chan would be in the opening ceremony given his high profile in all THOSE ads?
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