The Dark Knight... I'm going to buck the trend here and say I didn't particularly enjoy it. I found it a bit too dark for my taste, and usually I like that sort of thing. Disappointed isn't the right word, I just didn't do anything for me. eek

I wasn't expecting to love it because none of the clips I'd seen before hand really grabbed me. And while I did love Batman Begins I wasn't overly looking forward to this one, so expecting too much is not the reason for my not particularly liking it.

It's certainly not short of action and violence, but I still found it too long and involved and kept waiting for it to end. If I'd been watching this on tv I would have left halfway and come back to see the end. Dare I say... boring? eek Didn't like Batman, didn't like Bruce and Heath's lip-licking was a bit annoying. (yeesh! Sorry, I don't think I'm in a bad mood...)

I'm still glad I saw it though and it is a good film, just not '$200+ million at the box office opening weekend' good. 7/10.

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.