It's a pretty sad day for this fandom when someone is committing egregious acts on a FoLC's behalf.

Someone has stolen my user name from here and is posting nasty comments all over blogs about Teri and Dean, comments that say that she is a whore, he is gay, she is washed up, he is a loser, etc., etc., etc., and linking to my personal blog, which people from all over the world are now looking at through these horrible links.

They have stolen the name I have been posting in this fandom with for FIVE years. The name I have written my fics with, and won my Kerths with.

This stops NOW.

I am making a post on my blog now and contacting the admins of those sites to get an IP trace.

If anyone sees a "post" by me on any of these entertainment sites, slamming Teri and/or Dean, please know it is not me. I have nothing but the utmost respect for both of them.

I am sure this is the same FoLC/ex-FoLC who has left me comments on my blog saying a range of things from that my husband will leave me, that I deserved to lose my baby, that I am a fat bitch ... I have had enough.

The game is over.

I cannot believe that someone in this fandom would do this.

It makes me sick.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"