Holy crap! I can't believe I was gone all day and MISSED THIS!

This is the greatest. party. ever.

Before I add my two cents thought I have to share a tidbit of what really happened today.

THIS was my cake:
[Linked Image]

I went NUTS when I saw it. All of my favorite superheroes on one delicious cake. I must say though... the best part was the look on my fiance's face as I was licking the frosting off of the figurines. I just looked at him and said, "What? When else am I going to get to lick Batman in my life?" :p

Also, as my mother was instructing the girl in the grocery store on how to decorate it she said, "Oh, how old is your son?" And my mother goes, "Uh... she's 22." Snort.

SO! Can I just say my stomach hurts from laughing so hard after reading this thread?

Eva, my BFF! I LOVE that you posted penguins and invited Keanu. You know me tooooo well. :p

Steph- great cake! I LOVE family guy!

Jenn- Cute dress you picked out for me! And uh... thanks for the Scardino. I will, uh.... treasure it, always. I can't imagine who sent the pink limo... can I hold onto that for my wedding?

BARB! This IS going to be the hottest party ever! And, that is quite possibly the hottest picture I now have saved on my hard drive.

All these hot men for little ol' moi?! I love you guys.

alcyone- OMG I LOOOOVE Michael C. Hall. I lovelovelovehim.

I agree. I think Christian Bale needs to be invited because he was shirtless through most of American Psycho (one of my favorites) and because he made me love Batman. (Don't kill me Lara, but I wasn't a fan of his before Bale donned the suit.)

Thank you guys sooooo much! Your well wishes mean so much to me. Special kudos to my lovely pink big sis for starting this for me and helping me through my quarter-life crisis. smile

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. *hugs everyone*

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!