Okay, I can wrap my head around it now. At first I must admit I had a small conniption when I realized Silas new nothing about the peacekeepers, et al. But then I took a nap, and I said to myself a few minutes after I woke up, "Jen, you realize Elise knows nothing about what her husband does, either." And so I sit in my bed 6 hours before I'm supposed to get up wondering why. Yes, the Lane-Kents are one of the most important families in existence. But they're just a family, and all they would want would be to be treated as such...just like everyone else. And for Utopia to be Utopia here, you can't just have smatterings of people know what real life is really like, besides the peacekeepers, of course. Granted, Tempus is someone that threatened their family many times, so in one sense, I would think they'd need to know about him...but it's supposed to be Utopia, right? Evil's not "supposed" to exist.

I don't know. My 1:30am mind is at odds.



Lois & Clark were the only people aware of the events that occurred in Tempus Fugitive & the alternate universe
Ah, so very true! Great point.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy