And I don't remember who wrote it (sorry), but the fic about Lois getting Superman's crest tattooed on the small of her back was pretty hot!
Last Call Casualty By Sue S. All hail the Queen! hail hail

I had a tattoo designed for me many years ago that was going to be a butterfly but one side would be kind of darkish colors and the other side would be light colors.

The dark side design would be totally random but would have the empire insignia (from Star Wars) hidden in the design. And the light side would have the rebel alliance insignia hidden in its design.

So only Star Wars fans would notice the insignias. But then the guy who was designing it for me died in a motorcycle accident and strangly, all urges to get a tattoo left me. I've never regretted not getting it. Though I do think it sounds really cool still.

[Linked Image]
Rebel Alliance Insignia

[Linked Image]
Empire Insignia

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw