The Wicker Man is a cult British horror movie from the 1970's. As such, I got the reference right away, but I'm not surprised that it was harder for the rest of you. laugh

A stiffly moral policeman goes to a remote Scottish island to investigate the disappearance of a young local woman. The sense of tension, suspense and paranoia builds until he gradually realises that the crime was a lure to get him there and that the islanders are really a pagan cult who have chosen him as their harvest sacrifice. He is caged in the chest of a gigantic effigy made of wicker, which is then set on fire.

It was one of those cheap budget movies that somehow became a classic, thanks to a happy convergence of talents and, especially, strong performances, particularly from Edward Woodward as the unfortunate hero.

Anyway, Wiki has an interesting article on it for those interested (I just love its revelation from the DVD commentary that the suits wanted a more upbeat ending and suggested that a sudden rain should put out the wicker man's flames. LOL! Glad the producers resisted that one.)

LabRat smile

The Wicker Man

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers