I'm here pretty much everyday. I'm able to check the boards pretty frequently at work in between bouts of busyness. I was a lurker for a veeeeery long time though. I think it was Sue's Platonic that got me to post for the first time and the rest is history.

I enjoy all the OT discussion and the games in the LnC section and ofcourse fic!!! And long walks on the beach <snicker>

By Saffron: never saw the point of computer games outside of ones like "Myst"
oooo Myst!!! I miss that game. I remember it took me FOR-EV-ER to beat it only to find out I lost. Guess I should stop there just in case there are spoilers. But another awesome computer game is Heroes of Might & Magic. I used to play that game for hours!!!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw