Nicole, I'm sorry I haven't had time to post comments on this so far - RL is just a little busy right now. wink Visitors and lots of being out and about, plus we just acquired a new cat! laugh

Anyway, what everyone else said. goofy This is so wonderfully entertaining and humorous, and - in this latest lovely long section - sad and angsty as well as funny. Poor Clark! While I understand why Lois is mad, I really feel for him. He tried to be honest with her. He did everything he could to break it to her gently, to show her how much she means to her and to explain why he kept the secre for so long. And still she blew him off. mecry

That kiss, though... wow!! /me fans self. blush How can she not see that they're meant to be together? She definitely needs that 2x4, I think... wildguy

Looking forward to reading part 4!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*