I loveddddd Sweet Valley! I started reading the Kids, then the Twins, then SVH. (Actually, I tried to read the SVH ones when I was a little too young and my mom was like uh, no more for you, after I spent like three hours crying because Elizabeth got into a motorcycle accident and was in a coma. "Dear Sister," for anyone who cares; quite gripping. Ha.)
Oh my goodness, are you reading my mind/channeling my experiences? My babysitter gave me all her SVH books when I was... oh.. maybe 10 or so. Too young for them, and there was one called "All Night Long" and I remember I was wandering around the house with it and my mother was scandalized and moved them all into the basement. I really had no idea what it was about then... but then I read them all and loved them. I liked Elizabeth too... when she was with Todd. Even though thinking back on it, he was kind of an odd duck. But I've always picked a couple and then rooted for them the whole way. (Cue me being hysterical and throwing my pillow across the room when Buffy and Angel go their separate ways...) *thinks about this and is still angry* (Sorry, I'm working my way through season 4 and I'm pretty angry at the whole cast as of now... which is pathetic. and off topic.)

BSC was another fave for me and Mary Anne was my favorite as well. Wow... everyone on here seems to have been a Mary Anne or Kristy fan. Interesting. smile

I will add that I also read the Sweet Valley University series, in which Jessica ended up married and their brother shot her husband ... Todd ended up being kicked off the basketball team for excessive drinking. Elizabeth should have stuck with Jeffrey.
And wow. Talk about books jumping the shark. I quit after SVH. I think I remember an Earthquake shattering the town?

Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile