Las Vegas TV Series article

I don't know if any of you watched the tv show Las Vegas. I haven't had time this season but plan to catch up when I get a chance. According to this article, the last new episode that aired was a "To be continued." It was part one of the season (or series, not sure) finale centered around a problem with the main characters and their pregnancy. Because of the writers' strike, NBC not only scrapped the series, but decided not to even film and air the resolution to the cliffhanger they presented. Now the fans of the show are rallying together to get the network to finish up the series properly.

I think it's outrageous that the networks do things like this. They have shows that have been running for awhile (this was the fifth season) and have gained very loyal fans. The least they could do is show them a proper resolution to their beloved show. It's just bad business. If it were a normal product or service business (like a store or restaurant) they would be losing a ton of business.

I can't even bring myself to watch the last few episodes of LnC. If I do it just makes me cringe. There's no hope for us, unfortunately. But I really hope the Las Vegas fans are able to change the minds of the NBC execs. It really sucks not having a properly wrapped up show. grumble


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?