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Posted By: minimunch3 It's happening again... - 02/28/08 01:01 PM
Las Vegas TV Series article

I don't know if any of you watched the tv show Las Vegas. I haven't had time this season but plan to catch up when I get a chance. According to this article, the last new episode that aired was a "To be continued." It was part one of the season (or series, not sure) finale centered around a problem with the main characters and their pregnancy. Because of the writers' strike, NBC not only scrapped the series, but decided not to even film and air the resolution to the cliffhanger they presented. Now the fans of the show are rallying together to get the network to finish up the series properly.

I think it's outrageous that the networks do things like this. They have shows that have been running for awhile (this was the fifth season) and have gained very loyal fans. The least they could do is show them a proper resolution to their beloved show. It's just bad business. If it were a normal product or service business (like a store or restaurant) they would be losing a ton of business.

I can't even bring myself to watch the last few episodes of LnC. If I do it just makes me cringe. There's no hope for us, unfortunately. But I really hope the Las Vegas fans are able to change the minds of the NBC execs. It really sucks not having a properly wrapped up show. grumble

Posted By: Dear.Prudence Re: It's happening again... - 02/28/08 01:20 PM
I won't even start watching new shows anymore. If it's not an immediate hit, the network will take it off after a few episodes, before you even have a chance to get into it. Or with shows that have been on for awhile they start moving it around, so you don't even know when it's on.

I like that fans get together though to try to stop this stuff. Jerico, which I don't watch got back on, but who knows for how long...
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: It's happening again... - 02/28/08 01:57 PM
There has been talk that Scrubs may face the same fate. The director said they will at least put the finale on the DVD set... but it may never air on NBC. (Maybe on Comedy Central in reruns??)
Posted By: carolm Re: It's happening again... - 02/28/08 02:16 PM
Didn't Dean have a role on Las Vegas? Maybe that's something else I'm thinking of... where he was dead but not really dead...? I don't know. I just think I remember hearing something about it at some point.

[How's that for real specific? I don't watch the show obviously.]

And yeah, I hate it too when shows are taken off the air with no warning so there's no time to give a real ending.

I thought Scrubs was getting a finale now that the strike is over... but I could be wrong on that.

Carol [who has seen like half an episode of Scrubs]
Posted By: minimunch3 Re: It's happening again... - 02/28/08 08:29 PM
Yeah, Dean had a part on Las Vegas. He had a recurring role as the owner of the casino. But then his character died in a fishing accident. I think he was actually eaten by a giant squid or something. But you were right, Carol. smile

At least they would include the Scrubs finale on the DVD, but really how difficult would it be to just air it on tv if its already filmed. They would get a lot more viewers for something like that than the reruns and stupid reality shows they've been running lately.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: It's happening again... - 02/28/08 09:41 PM
Dean had a part on Las Vegas. He had a recurring role as the owner of the casino. But then his character died in a fishing accident. I think he was actually eaten by a giant squid or something.
How hard is it to do that in the Nevada desert?
Posted By: carolm Re: It's happening again... - 02/28/08 09:46 PM
It's 'super' hard to get eaten by a giant squid in the desert wink . At least that's my guess.

I thought I'd heard he wasn't really dead [or at least not most sincerely dead] and was coming back to ruin a wedding or something.

/me reads way too much about shows she doesn't watch on one of the lists for a show she does watch

Carol [who is now up to 10.5 pages on that 15 page paper]
Posted By: minimunch3 Re: It's happening again... - 02/29/08 07:05 AM
How hard is it to do that in the Nevada desert?
Haha, true. But his character was super rich and he didn't spend a lot of time at the casino. He was in Alaska or Maine or somewhere north with a lot of water.

As far as I know, his character is really dead. But I haven't watched in awhile so maybe that changed. goofy

Posted By: minimunch3 Re: It's happening again... - 02/29/08 10:10 AM
Not that this is important to keep posting, but coicidentally, the episode where his character dies is on tv right now. He was off the coast of New Zealand when a giant squid "enveloped" him. He died before making it to the hospital. As far as I know, that death kind of stuck. wink

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