Well - I'm here but I don't post FDK as often as I should. I am working on a very long [for me] fic - is my second longest ever currently. But life experience has taught me not to post until it's basically finished an until at least one other person has a copy of it in case of hard drive crashes.

That said, the semester started and I have to finish the grad class I took an I in last semester here pretty quick. After it's done I should have more time to finish said Nano fic and work on the one JoJo has been clamoring for for almost a year now - the prologue, IMO, is fabulous, and chapter 1 is finished and 2 is started but I'm having serious self doubts about making the rest of it live up to the prologue/premise. Nano took a turn I totally didn't expect [thanks, Bethy;)] and it's a fairly serious subject which I don't really want to delve into in great depth, but I don't want to gloss over either - the subject matter has been covered eloquently by at least one other fic and I desperately want to stick "Read *this fic* by *this author* to see what happens here then come back, but I can't wink . Alisha has graciously agreed to beta for me as well, so between her and my other betas/inspiration providors/bouncer offer people [Bethy, Missy, Jojo, Kaylle] maybe we can come up with a way to do it without getting into it too much but not glossing it over either.

A couple other ideas are floating around in my grey matter... some are premises which have been done or are similar to those that have been done.

And now I need to go take care of the 4 kids - they have nothing to do with my lack of writing time wink .