Oh yeah. He's just told her who he is. Nice one! I love angry revelations. goofy

And of course Clark is still angry with Lois - he hasn't a clue what her life's been like with Luthor. Now, if he were less stressed/angry/depressed, he might wonder what she's doing hiding out at his parents' place, why she's not with her husband, why everyone thinks she's dead - but all he sees is this woman who betrayed him in every possible way. She rejected him in favour of Luthor. She married a man he knew to be evil. She almost killed Superman. She left him heartbroken, powerless and crushed. So he's angry, and he's not thinking straight. Poor Clark! mecry

As for why Lois wouldn't recognise him as Superman when she took off the glasses and brushed back his hair, that reminder of his moustache was very timely, Sara - without that I would have wondered. Nice!

Okay, I'm (almost) ready for more - got to catch up on CC's story first!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*