OK, still not liking Clark much these days. frown

I have to say that in your comments you mention how everyone feels bad for Lois. Well I agree that Clark was almost killed (although if he'd just LISTEN he may find out how/why etc.) and he doesn't have powers anymore.

BUT! and this is a big but..she was battered for pete's sake by the second (or is that third razz ) richest man in the world! She was most likely raped and certainly emotionally abused by Lex so I think that that qualifies for more sympathy from us!!

My heart is aching for them both I admit, but man I really feel for Lois.

Great part btw, heartbreaking but great..lol.


Lois: Can I go?
Clark: No.
Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go.
Clark: Then why do you ask?
Lois: I’m trying to be nice.