P.S.S. of sorts lol..I recently went to eharlequin.com and it appeared that you could get 2 free books with no obligation-I was wondering if anyone has found this to be actually the case?
Yes, but... There's a catch, though it's minor. By asking for the books, you're actually signing up to their Reader Service, which is a subscription - they'll send you four books a month (or however many they do now) and you pay for the books plus shipping. I think the books are discounted.

When you get your parcel of free books, you have some time - maybe it's two weeks, I'm not sure - to return the invoice, marked CANCEL. You can phone up, too, and ask them to cancel your subscription. They'll ask for a reason - just say you don't want to subscribe right now. So, yes, you do get two free books, but you MUST remember to cancel the subscription otherwise you'll get more books sent to you and you'll be billed for them.

(Yes, I have got free books from them a couple of times wink ).


Just a fly-by! *waves*