LOL! Labby you are too funny smile .

Most people I know are supportive of the SAHM thing - but there are some who are not, including my FIL.

The fact that our families are not terribly supportive of the kids thing is what bothers me the most. I dreaded telling my dad that #3 was coming [especially so soon after #2 - that surprised us as well] - I was actually almost glad that we almost lost her very early so that I could open with 'You believe God's timing is perfect right?' [he was raised the son of an Assemblies of God preacher and is still very rigid and probably part of what perpetuates some beliefs of 'oppression' in some ways - my mom always worked but play poker for a $1 buy in? Have a drink ever? Not gonna happen.] It's like 'how is it going to affect me? I'm going to have to spend more on Christmas presents now that you have more kids - how dare you!' rather than wondering if it's the best decision for US. But at the same time - I know they wouldn't actually want to 'get rid of' one of said kids now that they're here. Of course we have 'our boy' now and must be ready to stop *looks for eye rolling smilie *. If we do stop, that won't be why. I'm still up for 1 or 2 more - DH may be another story though wink .

And at the same time - we've had several couples come up to us and offer their support - one in particular has 8 children and they've been wonderful smile .

Thank you for your thoughts Labby - you're the best!
Carol [who really doesn't mean to highjack]