I'm sure you and everyone else know this already but, documentaries etc. need to be trusted but verified. Evidence can be made to say just about anything anyone wants. Things that are 'true' aren't always 'true', if you know what I mean.
Absolutely, Carol. But as I said to Terry, it was a number of things that made me think that the religious right looked antifeminist. Not just one documentary, but various articles and interviews in magazines like Time and Newsweek, to which I subscribed at the time. Of course, it is possible that Time and Newsweek actually wanted to discredit the religious right, and therefore they may systematically have published articles and statements that created an exaggerated or unbalanced view of the religious right. Again, as I said to Terry: those of you who live in the United States must know so much more about these things than I do. All I know is what the religious right looked like to me, when I viewed it from the outside, through filters like Time and Newsweek and TV documentaries like the one I alluded to.

I have four kids [and get odd looks all the time - the last two times we announced babies were coming we got the 'you know how that happens right?' [to which DH replied more than once 'Yep and I enjoy it too'] or 'you know how to prevent that right?'], I choose to be a work at home mom and would love nothing more than to be a full time stay at home mom. DH supports me in that and you won't find me oppressed in any way.
Carol, believe me - I don't think that a woman is oppressed just because she has many kids and is a stay-at-home mom! It is only when such women (or religious leaders) tell their own daughters (or other girls and women) that it's a bad thing not to have many kids and be stay-at-home moms, that I think we are talking about oppression. A woman's own decision is her own decision. Oppression is when you have no choice, or when you will be harshly criticized or ostracized for your choice of life style.

Hope your headache is better now, Carol. A Merry Christmas to you.
