From the faq above:

Some members are given special titles by the administration.
Personally, I can hardly believe that Tank doesn't have a special title, given all he's contributed to these boards over the years. His story "To Protect And Serve" was the one which first brought me to the archive, and from there eventually to the message boards. Would it be out of place for me to suggest that we grant him some recognition for all of his accomplishments?

If I could make the first suggestion, I would - without any intended irony - like to propose for Tank Wilson the title of "Lovable Curmudgeon." I hope this expresses my appreciation for his always insightful comments - even if he doesn't like kids - and his wonderful stories, both short and long, both the individual efforts and his many collaborations with others.

Please let me know if this suggestion is in the wrong place or is out of order. I assure all that my intentions in this matter are pure.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing